College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Loni. Blog Manager: Mr. Omprakash Shete, S. Y. B. Tech. Biotech.

Friday, April 5, 2019 Biotechnology

Second Semester Biotechnology

Course No    : MICRO 121
Course Title : Microbiology
Credits          : 3(2+1)
Semester      : II

1.  Brock TD. 1961. Milestones in Microbiology.Infinity Books.(Click Here)

2.  Pelczar M.J, Chan E.C.S & Kreig N.R. 1997.Microbiology: Concepts and Application.Tata McGraw Hill.

3. Stainier RY, Ingraham J.L, Wheelis M.L & Painter P.R. 2003. General Microbiology. MacMillan.

4.   Tauro P, Kapoor K.K.& Yadav K.S. 1996. Introduction to Microbiology.Wiley Eastern.

5. Prescott, L.M. Harley, J.P. and Klein, D.A (5ed) 2002. Microbiology. Mc Graw Hill Publishers, Newyork.(Click Here)

6. Jamaluddin, M. Malvidya, N. and Sharma, A. 2006. General Microbiology. Scientific Publishers, Washington.

7.  Sullia, S.B, and Shantaram 1998. General Microbiology. Oxford and IBH.

8.  Madigan, M. Martinkoj, M. and Parker (10 ed.) 2003. Biology of Microorganisms. PrenticeHall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

9.  Borkar,S.G. 2015.Beneficial Microbes as Biofertilizers and its Production Technology Woodhead Publisher,India,New Delhi


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Omprakash shete (2nd Year Biotech)

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